Archive for March, 2011

Weekly Photography Challenge – Contrasting Colours

Click on the image for a closer look. This is my first time doing one of these challenges from the Digital Photography School. This week’s challenge was to capture contrasting colours and so I’ve taken a photo of the flowers of our Jerusalem Artichoke plants with the clear blue sky as a backdrop. I really […]

101 in 1001 Update

So a quick update on the items I’ve worked on since identifying what I can do last week: 54. learn to crochet As it turns out, I had already purchased a crochet hook and I had some balls of wool as well, which is always a useful thing when learning to crochet. I found some […]

Weekly Summary & Progress

Number one task is the Home Education Exemption that is a requirement in New Zealand. I have a bunch of excuses which are entirely uninteresting and the end result is that we should have had this submitted back in January. And we’re heading into April! So by the time I write the followup blogpost in […]

Question of the Week

So I’ve joined an email group called Question of the Week about Homeschooling and Family, which as you can possibly divine from the name is about the posing of a question which needs to be answered. So I thought I’d post my responses on here. This week’s question is: What happens if you have bought […]

101 in 1001

So the following is the result of a recent brainstorm I had wanting to move forward with my 101 in 1001 list, with the result being a random 8 items I can move forward on. Coming up with a concrete identifier of what constitutes a WIN is really hard work and even now I’m not […]